August 18, 2010

Recipe of the day (ì)

“All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.” George Harrison

Well, as you may guess from the title, yes, I made a cake today and because it turned out really well... I had to share it with the world, rather, the few people who actually read this ^_^ The main reason I'm writing the recipe on here anyway, is simply because I left my little "Recipe note-pad" back in Scotland and well, I don't want to start a new one now, so I'm writing it on here to make sure I remember it. Ta-daa. I know that was thrilling to read, I'm deeply sorry for the rush of adrenaline you must be feeling now having read why I'm writing the recipe here instead of my little note-pad. Enough talk now though so let's get down to business, rather... baking. =)

250g ricotta cheese
250g flour
170g sugar
small sachet of vanillin
16g of baking powder
70/80g of chocolate (chopped into tiny pieces)

Get all the ingredients together adidng the ricotta for last and mix them until you get a nice dough.
Butter the bottom of a cake tin and add the dough. It should be a little bit sticky.
Heat the oven up to 150°, put the cake in and leave it for roughly 35/40 mins.
Once it's done, you may add some icing sugar on the top if you like. Serve it slightly warm as the chocolate bits will be slightly melted and... enjoy =)

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