§ Globetrotter à la Mode §
Fashion, Travel, Emotions
August 23, 2013
Immortal denim

July 15, 2013
Would you Dare?
I'm one to always prefer "less-doing" than over-doing. I don't kike too much writing on my clothes, or prints or faces, I like them plain with just a little detail. However I have to admit, that sometimes, one can dare, and I love this outfit. The white t-shirt gives it the right balance to avoid any sort of clashing, it's casual yet chich thanks to the heels, definitely an outfit for a big city like NY. I would never wear it here in this small little italian town to go groceery shopping, but sometimes, we must dare to get out of our comfort zones...

Outerwears, Urban Outfitters // Bottoms, Zara // Shoes, Nordstrom // Tops, Target // Accessories, Urban Outfitters
June 7, 2013
Donnavventura Reportage
Here's the reportage I did for the casting of the program Donnavventura... Fingers crossed I get called back :D
May 12, 2013
May 9, 2013
Hello everyone,
This is just to inform you that I have created a new food blog, separate from this one, on wordpress. It will be exclusive to food and baking, if you'd like to check it out I would be very happy!
Here's the link:
For now I've posted old recipes just to start it off, new recipes coming soon, so stay tuned! :)
This is just to inform you that I have created a new food blog, separate from this one, on wordpress. It will be exclusive to food and baking, if you'd like to check it out I would be very happy!
Here's the link:
For now I've posted old recipes just to start it off, new recipes coming soon, so stay tuned! :)
food blog,
new blog,
recipes blog
May 2, 2013
Skinny Jeans ...Spring time!
First of all, I apologize for the lack of posts lately. There have been quite a few things happening in my little life. I had found a new job working in a real estate agency, but after a month it turned out they weren't going to give me a contract or anything and I had to go around with my own car without insurance or anything... I practically worked for free for a month. So I left. And here I am once again looking for a job... They say good things come to those who wait, so I'm hopeful that something awesome is in store for me ;)
Anyway, now spring is here (although here in Italy the weather has been quite awful and grey... ) it's time to wear colourful skinny jeans and floaty white tops, here are some cute outfits I found today which I definitely want to try! Which one's your favourite?
March 10, 2013
"Every moment is a poem if you hold it right"
words of title by Lauren Zuniga
"Poetry is a form of literary art which uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language" - Yes, of course. But to me, poetry is so much more. Poetry, is in the way the wind caresses the leaves of a tree, or in the way snow falls in silence. Poetry is in a sunset, in a storm, in the smell of coffee in the morning. Poetry, is in the sound of music, in a laugh, in a silent tear. Poetry is in a kiss, in a hug, in a smile.
Poetry, is a way to express emotions and feelings. It's not, saying "I love you", it's saying, "THIS is HOW I love you".
Poetry IS every moment you are alive.
And here are some images of where I see poetry.

"Poetry is a form of literary art which uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language" - Yes, of course. But to me, poetry is so much more. Poetry, is in the way the wind caresses the leaves of a tree, or in the way snow falls in silence. Poetry is in a sunset, in a storm, in the smell of coffee in the morning. Poetry, is in the sound of music, in a laugh, in a silent tear. Poetry is in a kiss, in a hug, in a smile.
Poetry, is a way to express emotions and feelings. It's not, saying "I love you", it's saying, "THIS is HOW I love you".
Poetry IS every moment you are alive.
And here are some images of where I see poetry.
every moment is a poem,
images of poetry,
what is poetry
March 6, 2013
Donnavventura Casting -
So I did a crazy thing and prepared a video casting for an Italian TV program "Donnavventura" - Adventure Woman - which sends girls around the world to do a documentary/reportage! It would be so amazing to be picked, I would LOVE it! So wish me luck and keep fingers crossed they like me : )
In the video I speak Italian, essentially I'm just doing a little presentation of myself, who I am, what I do, etc..
March 5, 2013
Kiia Waden in 'White Lady' Inspiration for Elle Mexico Brides
I'm back! With a beautiful and inspiring bridal editorial. Not that I'm getting married anytime soon, but I do enjoy daydreaming about what I'll wear, how I'll do my hair, my make up... if, one day, I ever do get married :)
This is a beauty inspired editorial. For my day, I would love to keep it simple. A make-up which enhances my features but with out being unable to recognize my real face when I look at myself in the mirror. From the ones below, my favourite is the "risky" one. Nice red lips and simple eye make up. I also really like the "classy" look", but I see that lipstick more for the evening, then for the wedding itself, it's slightly too strong.
And you? What do you dream for your special day?
February 23, 2013
How in the hell ...
Good Saturday dear readers,
Today I'm not going to talk so much about fashion but about the above quotation I found through browsing the web today. Never like at this point in time have I felt this more relevant to my situation (and I imagine that of many others too).
This will be my last week at work and then I'm done. I told them I'm not re-newing my contract because above all I believe people should be respected, whether you're a manager or the cleaner. If you respect me, I'll respect you. Simple as that. Now I know that's utopic but at the same time I don't see why I should force myself to do exactly those things Bukowsky states, if I'm not appreciated and after being insulted and offended I should even be grateful for the "opportunity" given to me... So I'm leaving. But I'm aware that not many people can do that. Would have I taken the same decision, in this same economic/political situation had I had a family and kids to take care of? Probably not. I would have suffered and forced myself to get up every morning, unhappy, just because that's how I can get some money to look after my family.
People are valuable. When they work for your company, they're there for YOUR interest, because your interest is chained to theirs. You can tell someone off if they have made a mistake, if they're responsible they will take care of their own consequences, being the owner or manager doesn't give you any right to offend or insult people. At least that's what I think.
Have any of you ever had similar issues at work? Have you ever been disrespected and offended? I'm pretty sure at some point we all have, in one way or another, but up to what extent should we accept it? What are your thoughts? What I know is that if I have to do a job, knowing I will work for most of my life, I have to do something I enjoy and wake up happy everyday.
February 14, 2013
Valentine's Day - Let's get Cupid a pair of new glasses
Yes, it's that time of the year again, the most commercialized day of the year: Valentines Day. I'll be straightforward, I'm not a fan of Valentines day, rather, I don't really care. Not because I'm hating on all the couples or anything, I'm happy in my current situation, I'm seeing someone, it's chilled, all is good. In fact I think Valentine's day is a nice occasion to celebrate love and remind those you care about that you love them (which, truthfully, should be done daily, but people like to celebrate things rarely, once a year, when they're told to celebrate it... humans, tsk.. ). Anyway, enough rambling, essentially I think Valentine's day is nice for the idea of letting the person you love know it, but I do think it's become waay too commercialized. It's been over a week that everyday on the radio, EVERY-SINGLE-STATION goes on about what will you get your loved one, what will you do in the evening, this place is organizing this, that place is organizing that. Well, what if I just want to remind the person I love, I love them, by cooking dinner and cuddling on the sofa? The celebration of love should be advertised, not the material side, the "buying of stuff". At least this is how I see it, what are your thoughts?
In any case, here's some inspiration for a pretty outfit, whether you're going out with your loved one, or with your friends. With a little black dress you never go wrong, add some pretty jewelery to give some light, and off you go! If you want to do soemthing a little different, I've fallen in love with this cute little pink dress, the black lace detail is lovely and very elegant!
Dolce & Gabbana Lace Over-Lay Dress |
But, if you decide to celebrate Valentine's day with everyone's favourite boys, Ben&Jerry, then you should get your inspiration from the wonderful Bridget Jones ;) Oh and if you're just a bit like me, make sure you have Ben&Jerry in at least in three different flavours! That's what I did last year, we had one fabulous night, the three of us, I tell you ;)
Lots of Love to you all <3 br="">
February 2, 2013
Saturday Look
Hello, hello! How was everyone's week? Finally it's the weekend, and the weather here is awful :( I can't remember the last time I saw sunshine... and they say UK has bad weather!! Well, today I improvised myself a still-life photographer. Of course, I lack all the proper lighting so I did my best with what I have, the result is not too bad, but there is always room for improvement! Because of the terrible day outside, my inspiration for today's outfit is... grey. I have combined Novemb3r's shorts with one of their lady's tops in cotton and the front wool detail. The bag was a gift from my gran, for Christmas, the inside is leopard print. The shoes are Roberto Balestra, although the heel is very high, I'm always very comfortable in them thanks to the plateau. And finally, the book, by Albert Espinosa "Todo lo que podriamos ser tu y yo si no fueramos tu y yo", "All me and you could be if we weren't you and me" - I read it over the summer and it was totally not what I expected but that's why I loved it! I definitely suggest it if you're into "philosophical" readings.
personal style,
roberto balestra,
still life look,
winter look
January 27, 2013
LOVE 2.0 - The era of "will you be my facebook it's complicated girlfriend?"
Hello dear followers,
Hope you had a good end to the week! I finally had a little time to read my latest Vogue issue while eating breakfast and drinking tea on Sunday morning (I have to thank 4 years living in the UK for my new tea habits, also, tea bought here in Italy is definitely not as tasty as the one I use to buy in UK) Aaanyway... Enough about tea, what I really want to talk about today is an article I read on the latest Vogue issue headed "Love 2.0" - Yes, the latest love generation exactly.
The article analysed how today's relationships are live through technology. Love letters have turned into email, kisses have turned into facebook likes, and courting has become a tweet or youtube video. What has happened to Love? Where has all the romanticism gone? The O'Haras fighting for their Wilkes, the passionate, everlasting and destructive love of the Catherine Earnshaws and Heathcliffs, the surrendering of Miss Bennet and Mr Darcy to their undeniable love... Today all we have in relationships is technology.
You go out to dinner with your loved one and half way through you find yourself in silence each updating your personal facebook status to: "Having dinner with the lady at.... Love you baby" - "Having dinner with my man :D :D at.... Love you more!!" - And now you are actually both too busy looking at the follow up comments and likes that you don't even realize that you actually ARE having dinner with your other half who is sitting right across from you!!! But instead of looking into each other eyes and talk about whatever, you're both concentrated on staring at your screen and chatting with people who are in another place, city, country, time zone, planet... I don't know. Why are you not passionately looking into each others eyes, telling each other about your day or whatever?!?! Ok, maybe passionately do it later, but why are you not letting yourself get lost in the depth of your lover's eyes...
Hope you had a good end to the week! I finally had a little time to read my latest Vogue issue while eating breakfast and drinking tea on Sunday morning (I have to thank 4 years living in the UK for my new tea habits, also, tea bought here in Italy is definitely not as tasty as the one I use to buy in UK) Aaanyway... Enough about tea, what I really want to talk about today is an article I read on the latest Vogue issue headed "Love 2.0" - Yes, the latest love generation exactly.
The article analysed how today's relationships are live through technology. Love letters have turned into email, kisses have turned into facebook likes, and courting has become a tweet or youtube video. What has happened to Love? Where has all the romanticism gone? The O'Haras fighting for their Wilkes, the passionate, everlasting and destructive love of the Catherine Earnshaws and Heathcliffs, the surrendering of Miss Bennet and Mr Darcy to their undeniable love... Today all we have in relationships is technology.
You go out to dinner with your loved one and half way through you find yourself in silence each updating your personal facebook status to: "Having dinner with the lady at.... Love you baby" - "Having dinner with my man :D :D at.... Love you more!!" - And now you are actually both too busy looking at the follow up comments and likes that you don't even realize that you actually ARE having dinner with your other half who is sitting right across from you!!! But instead of looking into each other eyes and talk about whatever, you're both concentrated on staring at your screen and chatting with people who are in another place, city, country, time zone, planet... I don't know. Why are you not passionately looking into each others eyes, telling each other about your day or whatever?!?! Ok, maybe passionately do it later, but why are you not letting yourself get lost in the depth of your lover's eyes...
So, yes, what do you think about love and relationships nowadays? Do you think its losing its true meaning a little and all that matter nowadays is a facebook relationship status? Have human values, the human, emotional side of love gone to the wind? I'd love to hear your thoughts! I'm a hopeless romantic and for me a text, facebook message or email does nothing, maybe a little if it begins with Neruda's sonnet style:
....I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way...
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way...
and followed by the arrival of 100 red roses at my door step. But what I want is to see it in the other person's eyes, voice, gestures... everything they do shows me they love me. Not a silly tweet.
January 20, 2013
I'm back! Sorry for the lack of presence lately, but it's been a very busy period at the office and I just got back from Florence yesterday where we presented the AW13 Kid's Collection at PITTI BIMBO! It was a great success, on the first day, we had lunch at 4.30pm because everyone kept coming by our stand complimenting the collection, asking for collaborations... it was great! So, here are some pictures I managed to quickly shoot in the few minutes we had some quiet. I also had the pleasure to speak with Achim Lippoth, a very well known photographer in kids fashion, Calvin Klein, American Eagle, just to name two, he's the owner of Kid's Wear, a very well established kid's fashion magazine and has worked with a number of advertising agencies together with Lexus, AOL, Audi... and of course I had no idea of all of this until I said goodbye to him after chatting a little about the collection and the brand... argh! Now I feel a little like a fool, he must have thought I lived on another planet not knowing who he was...
January 9, 2013
Crème de la Crème
I LOVE this look!! It's perfect,casual with the right touch of elegance added by the leopard print stilettos and the big sunglasses. I also like the fact she's wearing a top which says "Crème de la crème" whilst holding a cup of creamy coffee, perfect or what? ;) One of the similar items I picked for the top (which you can find below the photo) says "Boys" so... not sure you should be holding a boy...unless it's Ryan Gosling... ;)

January 7, 2013
Winter Chic
Winter is not my favourite season, I'll admit to that. I'm a sun baby ;) However I do love knitwear in the cold weather, it's cozy, warm and can be very stylish, just like this hat! What's your favourite knitwear for the cold?
Accessories, Forever 21 // Accessories, Urban Outfitters // Beauty, Urban Outfitters // Accessories, Shopbop
January 5, 2013
Summer Love
Well, first of all, Happy New Year to everyone!! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to get back to work! I've not had much holiday myself, the AW13 collection is coming out soon and we'll be shipping the S13, so we've been working all the time at the office, especially production! So now that January has started, I'm craving summer, so here's a lovely, fresh summery look which I definitely want to keep in mind for this summer ;) Loving the little hat!

December 28, 2012
Zuhair Murad
I have a new designer crush... Up to now, Elie Saab was my N°1, now however, I have to say that it's a tie with Zuhair Murad. There must be something in the Lebanese air...! I came across his creations just yesterday and fell in love first sight. Beautiful, feminine, elegant... The details are gorgeous, there is nothing I don't like about his creations! C'est magnifique!
December 27, 2012
That little red skirt and peplum top
UUntil now, I was usre that peplum tops could only be combined with skinny bottoms unless you wanted to look like a Christmas tree. Well, now I have to eat my words back and admit that this combination, peplum top + skirt, is perfect! It flows wonderfully creating the illusion of a dress, least to say that I adore the colours and the shoes! 
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